Active Esports Arena 

The Active Esports Arena is an intense full body VR experience where two teams of two players compete in different challenges to reach the top. It is developed by the company PWXR.

My Contribution

During my internship in 2021, I worked on a variety of things such as gameplay, networking and our control center app. Many tasks involved networking because they created a control center tablet app that needs full (wireless) control of all the gameserver's settings. I have added a lot of new functionality to this interface such as: configurable order of challenges with savable presets, a list of players for easy access with database connectivity, a reworked system for automatically queueing games. I have also reworked some core systems such as the scoresystem and refactored a tool for easier editing of challenges, added a new mini-streak system and added autonomous network control for our dmx light installation.


After my internship I immediately got a contract (flexible hours) to help when needed, first for running events as 'Technical Operator' but later also for Development such as building new game concepts. Unfortunately they couldn't hire me fulltime due to financial limitations.